Brenda Hauk Food Pantry

“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.” Isaiah 58: 10

In November 2013 we began a food pantry at Asbury that is available to anyone who needs food. There are no requirements to be met or forms to fill out. With the help of local grocery stores, our congregation, youth group and other local churches we are able to provide one food box per family. We distribute food boxes curbside one Sunday morning from 10:00am- 10:30am. If there are extra boxes after all families have received their first box, we offer another box, while supplies last. Boxes include fruits, vegetables, bread and staples, dairy and meat are included when available.

Monetary and food donations are always welcomed as they help replenish our pantry.

Volunteers are always greatly appreciated. If you need Community Service hours, this is the place to be. If you are interested in volunteering submit the form below. For more information please use our Contact Us page.